Thursday, 26 August 2010

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I cannot put into words how desperately I'm looking forward to the inauguration of the metro line which will take me to north campus from home.

In our first year of college, taking two buses, a metro half the way, then either cycling or taking a cycle rickshaw or walking to college was such a novel experience. We would try all kinds of bus routes and spend money on autos and explore all the possible eating joints and galleries and tombs and concert halls of Delhi. That was when we didn't have many heavy readings to carry (or chose not to carry them) or library books to return. In second year we had very little left to explore and spent the first two months trying to discover the shortest and cheapest routes home. By the time the year ended, we realized how much time out of the calender just traveling to and fro (60 km a day) had taken. We, unlike the lucky blokes in residence, didn't have the luxury of afternoon naps or chai breaks or reading more than a book a week. Oh no.

But now, everything will be beautiful again! Our days will have 24 hours in them instead of 20 again! I can read on the way to college again! I can wake up and see others awake around me and even hope to get a seat on the way back home! Ah, such happiness and, more than anything else, relief.

They said they would inaugurate it on the 15th. We were counting down the days and putting extra cash into our smart cards thinking we'd need them for the extra miles but on the golden day we were met with heavy disappointment. They weren't ready.

Now they've promised us that everything will be ready by the 31st of this month. I anxiously look out of the bus windows on the way back everyday to check on their progress. What if they're not done by the month end? No. I will not think about it. I will only think about the happiness that awaits me at the metro station next Tuesday morning! A forty five minute journey to DU.

Choo choo!

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